
Orthene are the world’s largest, specialist brake fluid manufacturer. Orthene have been producing the world’s best high-performance road and racing brake fluid for over 45 years.

Since our founder Alan Ker formulated the first low-hygroscopicity brake fluid, world-firsts have been part of Orthene’s DNA.


Alan Ker formulates the first low-hygroscopicity brake fluid – the forerunner of today’s DOT 4. As a result, he is invited to join the SAE Brake Fluid Standards Committee, as the first European to do so.


Alan Ker establishes Orthene as the first provider of high quality, private-label brake fluids to the industry sector.


Orthene develops its first brake fluid specifically for racing use.


Continual innovation of brake fluids results in the development of Orthene’s 320 DOT 4, with the highest boiling point available.


Orthene develops a DOT 5.1 low-viscosity fluid, a world first.


Orthene develops the world’s first brake fluid specifically for Electric and Hybrid vehicles, named the DOT 5.1 EHV.


Yet another huge breakthrough for the racing industry as Orthene develop the world’s first DOT 4 racing brake fluid that boils over 330°C. This is now the highest boiling point brake fluid in the world that conforms to the DOT standards.


Halo launches in December. The most advanced racing brake fluid in the world with the highest boiling point on the market.

Send us a message if you’d like to hear more about Halo by Orthene and how we can help!